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GHTECH Products Overview
1.Metal Compounds:
2.New Energy Materials:
3.Plating Additives:
4.Other Specialty Chemicals:
Other customized development chemicals or special chemicals for large packages for industrial enterprises.
5.PCB Solutions:
6.Chemical Reagents:

The products are mainly general chemical reagents, which have more than 1,300 kinds and more than 2,500 specifications, including general inorganic reagents, general organic reagents, special reagents and other specialty chemicals.
General Inorganic Reagent: Elemental Class, Oxide/ Peroxidate, Inorganic Acid, etc.
General Organic Reagent: Salts of Organic Acids, Hydrocarbon/ Substituted Hydrocarbons, Alcohol/ Phenol/ Ether/ Ketone, Nitrile/ Amine/ Urea, etc.
Specific Reagent: Biochemical Reagent, Chromatographic Reagent, pH and Redox Indicator, Photochemistry and Electr🌌ochemic🍌al Analysis Reagent, etc.

7.Brand Cooperation :

Merck: As the agency of Merck laboratory reagents and consumptive materials for more than 20 years, GHTECH has won the only domestic title of "excellent partner" for two consecutive years.
Honeywell:The agency of high purity reagents of Honeywell for nearly 10 years.
Hach:The agency of water quality analyzer supporting reagents of Hach for more than ten years.
Nikkelverk:The agency of 1X1 Nickel Anode, 2X2 N♓ickel Anode, D Crown, Crown, ♌etc.
VALE:The agency of Longharbour R-Rounds, P Pe✃ll🍸et, S Pellet, etc.

Copyright © Guangdong Guanghua Sci-Tech Co., Ltd. GuangDong ICP No. 14033791-1
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